Rave! Catering
NC State's only full-service caterer located in Talley Student Union
Rave! Catering
For your catering needs call Rave! Catering at 515-RAVE (919.515.7283) or email rave-catering@ncsu.edu to discuss the particulars of your event and which options are available to you.
Rave! Catering proudly employs experienced, certified chefs and catering professionals to provide you with the highest degree of service possible to ensure successful events.
Rave! Catering caters exquisite prepackaged meal events, buffets and full-service breakfasts, lunch and dinners, as well as the most elaborate receptions and celebrations in the Triangle.
Contact Us
919-515-RAVE (7283)
5125 Talley Student Union
NC State University
Campus Box 7294
Raleigh, NC 27695
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.